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12 Premises for Creating Our Own Reality
- Desire + Belief = Reality
- I AM the physical extension of pure, positive, God-force, Source, Love-Energy.
- I create my reality according to my own Self-centered preferences.
- My Emotional Guidance System is the key to understanding how the Law of Attraction works.
- I recognize the power of influence and its ability to create in my reality.
- I cannot create in anyone else’s reality
- I thrive when I focus on the best parts of my life.
- Profit is synonymous with Creative Ideas.
- I live in an abundant universe that delights in expressing its limitless supply through me.
- I give from the vibration of abundance, contributing only to those ideas I want to see expand in the world.
- Healthy relationships encourage freedom and growth.
- Every new idea gives birth to another idea on how to make it even better…. It never ends.

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